The battle between the deliverer of spirits and the serpent beast

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Magwayen and the Serpent of the Sea

Minghao as Magwayen is the primordial deity of the ancient Visayans who ruled over the Sea and ferried souls to the Underworld. They personify the vast ocean that envelopes the world and is described to be the great provider — nurturing, calming, and level-headed. Yet on the flip side, they can also be cold, tempestuous, and ruthless when angered, completely unhesitant in mustering tidal waves, floods, and heavy rains.

Magwayen comes against a gigantic serpent-like creature called the Bakunawa, who devoured six of the Visayans' seven moons. Bakunawa, amongst many others, contested Magwayen's rule over the seas and wished to reign over it. Thus they fought over the seas, but Magwayen, in the end, would always triumph over the serpent.

About the Artist


I'm an architecture student who really likes illustration and really likes this Kpop group called Seventeen (I think they're neat).